Make Contact
Write down the kinds of people you want in your network:
such as, their background, position, personality, leisure
interests, and values. Remember, you want people who will
help you reach your goals, the goals you wrote down earlier.
Make a list of the people you already know who you want to include in your network
. . . and then a list of other possibilities. Click
here for ideas of people to include. Consider how you will contact people
you would like to include in your network, such as, in person, by phone, email,
chat rooms, online discussion groups, or usenet news groups.
Learn about information interviewing .
. . meeting face-to-face with a worker in an occupation that interests
you. This powerful technique is primarily used for learning about occupations
and searching for jobs. It is also an excellent way to build your network.
Keep your network to a manageable size. Start off small and work up to a size
that works for you.